This whole story comes out of an idea that I had one day–as simple as that. The idea was: Am I gonna be able to cycle from Olomouc to Praděd for a sunset and then ride all the way back under the cover of night? I know it’s not gonna be the easiest pedal but I will surely remember it for a long time.
So the plan was simple and consisted of two main points which are:
1) get someone who would be willing to go with me–easy.
2) wait for a good weather window (especially avoid rain and snow)–takes time.
I managed to get Pavel to ride with me, that I arranged with ease. But as you all know; you have to wait for the good things. Three weeks later weather looked good and off we went.
We have approximately 5:15h to catch a sunset on the highest peak of Jeseníky Mountains–Praděd. Temperature in the morning is about 7°C. Might be colder in the shade. Pace is good and I am confident, we’re gonna make it in time.
Valley of Bystřice River
Valley of Bystřice is harbouring a good mix of gravel roads and rough trails that used to be logging road a while back.
Domašov nad Bystřicí–a man having a morning smoke.
Our destination
As we climbed out of the valley and reached the first hill we were able to see our destination. For the first time we saw it–Praděd–the highest peak of Jeseníky Mountains. From now on every hill we climb we’re going to see it closer and closer.
Snacking and enjoying the warmth of the sun.
The Bald Hills
I call this area The Bald Hills. Three years ago I remember riding through a thick forest, it was everywhere you looked. Now, there’s just a few of them, standing alone waiting for a wind to take them down.
You can spot Praděd peaking on the horizon on right of the lonely tree.
Time is on our side
Right about now I realized we are racing against the sunset. Looking at my watch I found out we have 2:12 hours left to sunset and 28.6 km to go. There’s a 15 km climb all the way up to Praděd hidden in those kilometers left.
I confess, there was a fight–secretly–in my head about not coming to terms that we won't see the desired sunset. I was–secretly–pushing the tempo to make up there in time, (sorry Pavel).
A stop planned before hand to refill water, eat and rest before the fun begins (climbing).
When I took this photo and saw Pavel’s face a thought went through my mind–I might have pushed a little bit too much. Right after this thought came another one. Nothing will happen if we won't make it in time for the sunset. It will still be an adventure worth live out. But we’re not giving up just yet–still got some time.
A hell of an effort
Leaving absolutely everything on this climb. I can't remember riding this hill so fast a fiercely. I am proud of Pavel and myself to push our legs and minds to the limit as we tried to reach the top. Hell of an effort. And of course we did not count with 70 km ride back home–why would we, right?!
There’s a short flat section in 3/4 of the climb. We we were both cooked and late about 15 minutes for the sunset. At this point the sunset did not matter that much. There’s still going to be some light at the top to celebrate the achievement. So we took a five minute breather before the last 2.7 km of climbing.
Last 2.7 km
I was kinda enjoying this last climb knowing that we don't have to race anymore. Last rays of sun were gently hitting the hills as we were slowly crawling up and stopping at random viewpoint enjoying the colors.
The road up kinda goes around the tower so on one side you’re hidden in the shade of the mountain keeping you away from the light but once you go around it you emerge into the light.
The dark side of the mountain.
We are here!
What a relief! The sunset race is over. I can feel how a stone fell from my heart. I am genuinely happy we are here with a bit of light left.
This is what’s left from the sunset–still pretty.
Sun disappeared behind the horizon so fast that I only took one photo. With light gone also the temperature also went down quick. We put on down jackets because a freezing descend was comping up–I wasn't looking forward to this part. No other way to go around it so we had to suck it up and just ride.
It’s funny how a climb takes so much energy and effort and how descend is done in the matter of minutes. I tried to take pictures during whizzing ride down the hill but my fingers were too freaking cold and focus with the camera in complete darkness is unbelievably hard task.
Do we have a problem?
After a very cold descend a cramps took toll on Pavel's legs. We had to stop and he tried to stretch it out but it didn't help much. There’s still about 48 km left to our ride.
Pavel fought through and we took it easy to continue further.
Peeing stop. The little red dot at the right corner is Praděd. That is where we are coming from.
Getting closer to home.
As we get closer and closer to home the temperature rose up together with pain in our fingers thawed out.
Foggy Olomouc (home).
Once we hit the final stretch of cycle path a happy feeling started running through my body–we made it! My idea, my project, my dream… call it whatever, came true. Another thing in my life I can tick off the bucket list. A very big thanks goes to Pavel for keeping me company along this ride, I couldn't do it without him. Also big thank you to my girlfriend for supporting my ideas and cooking me a dinner.
2,313m of elevation
8h 3m