The Saturday’s Zone
The title is pretty much self–explanatory. We were invited by our friends to visit them at their cabin by the river for a weekend of riding bikes and BBQ everything we brought or found. At the same time we found a place we could call “the zone”. Maybe I will come up later with other, more suitable name but for now “Zone” will do.
What is the zone you might ask. I’ll explain later. Now, enjoy a couple of photos.
Romka is trying to look for one that lives under a huge stone one a side of the river. Before the gravel ride we went regularly to check whether he’s out or not.
We saw only his tail, I guess he was shy.
The night before there was a rainstorm which left us wet roads and trails. We might also be dodging some rain later in the day.
After the last night’s rain everything was lush green, fresh and full of life.
“The Zone”
A place with a pristine river (we already know that, right?!) where clay fish live, trouts hopping out of the water to catch flies and where the night is so dark you need a flash light to go to porta potti. Where only modern thing is electricity and your damn phone. A place with crunchy gravel roads where no one rides… that’s the zone.
I hope every one of you have such a place. If not, go find it!
The route goes around two big bodies of water or I shall call them dams. First one is called Kružbek a small one of and Slezká Harta a bigger one. Both are reservoirs for drinking water.
Tarmac was followed by dirt roads, then gravel, then muddy field road and back to tarmac.
The time when the we are dodging the rain just arrived but with one minor problem, the rain was faster than us. We got totally soaking wet with nowhere to hide. Open field, one gravel road, huge puddles and rainy clouds above our heads.
For a brief moment we thought that the rain stopped and we could dry up in the wind and carry one but we were wrong. At least we had somewhere to hide.
Rain battle scars.
Rain stopped and then started again, it felt like the clouds which were passing above our heads was one full of water and the next one wasn't… At this point we decided to seek for food, therefore we could let the rain clouds pass by.
I hope you have your similar place to our zone, if not, you should go find it right away. If you would like to know more about the zone hit me up by clicking/tapping HERE.