Blaming Pavel for the Rain


This supposed to be a simple and easy after work ride with Romča and Pavel until the rain started. We tried to push through the rain stick to the planned ride but we just had to shorten it. No fun to ride in rain.

I usually ride with Pavel alone, just us two battling the winter elements and darkness. Once the temperatures turn more to warmer side Romča joins our road blazing duo. Often when I ride with Pavel during this winter, weather wasn't kind to us. Snow storm, freezing cold, slippery roads, rain and deep sticky mud that were conditions we had to overcome. This ride was Romča’s first to join us a she pointed out the obvious truth that made me write this paragraph. She said, every time you (me) ride with Pavel, weather turns bad. Pavel laughed and silently acknowledged it was kinda true…




The Pretties Sunset So Far