until I can’t anymore
Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík

until I can’t anymore

I’ve been neglecting my bike during December. I know—I have no excuses for that—but the weather has been really awful, and, to be completely honest, I haven’t been feeling very good mentally. Sometimes these things just happen to me; no one is perfect. I could write like a thousand pages about what’s going on in my head, but who would want to read that?

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zimní komfortní zóny
Ride Log Jakub Barčík Ride Log Jakub Barčík

zimní komfortní zóny

Co si budeme—ježdění na kole v zimě, ve sněhu a v mínusových teplotách nikdy nebyl med (a asi nikdy nebude). Neustále ti je zima, nemůžeš se moc zastavovat a kochat se výhledy, taky ti mrzne nos a v nejhorším případě i všech 20 prstů, co na těle máš. 

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Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík


Všechno začalo jednoduchým nápadem. Vedlo k němu několik věcí: Márovi skončila závodní sezóna, měli jsme před sebou volný víkend a předpověď slibovala příjemné počasí na sobotu i neděli.

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Ride Log Jakub Barčík Ride Log Jakub Barčík


But today, darkness won. I was left with a reminder of what bikes really are. Every time I ride, they bring a deep sense of clarity and freedom to my mind. I see things more clearly, ideas come easily, and decisions seem to make themselves as my thoughts flow freely. To be honest, I’m a bit stuck in life at the moment, and I use every opportunity to go for a ride. That’s why I ride so much—I’m chasing that "clarity" drug they offer to help me get unstuck in life.

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Sunset? Yes, please.
Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík

Sunset? Yes, please.

The days of early sunsets are here. Autumn is around the corner—actually, it's at the corner. When everything falls into place, the evening is fabulous: the temperature, the sun, the position of the clouds, and most importantly, the timing. You're going to have a great sunset.

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Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík Ride Log, Gravel Routes Jakub Barčík


I’m calling this ride “I’m amazed that we’re still able to find new places to ride. Even if it’s just a short piece of track, it’s still worth it,” because that’s exactly what happened.

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Ride Log Jakub Barčík Ride Log Jakub Barčík


Jet vlakem z Olomouce a poté se vracet zpět je jedním ze způsobů, jak objevit nová místa a zároveň si ušetřit část cesty, kterou už možná znáte. Vlakem se dá dojet poměrně daleko za krátkou dobu, takže možností je mnoho.

My jsme tentokrát zvolili Vsetín a kopce Hostýnsko-vsetínské hornatiny.

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Ride Log Jakub Barčík Ride Log Jakub Barčík


So, here's how the story starts: I've got a buddy named Filip. Filip is one of those people who always seems to attract interesting and unusual things. I’m not exactly sure how he does it, but thanks to him, I got the chance to try something really unique – this silver bike.

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