David’s Commute

David is my riding buddy and since I am the unemployed one and he commutes to work by bike, I wanted to ride with him. I thought it would be interesting to see how a 50km commute feels like and what route he chooses. We hadn't seen each other in a while, and it seemed like a great idea to join him on his commute. It would also be a great time to catch up on life.


I chose Friday. Not the best choice, the weather was quite gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain any minute. I was hoping for a morning sunrise and shadows, you know, some romantic shit. Luckily we only got caught u in a light drizzle. Nothing pleasant in 6°C without gloves—smart move not to bring gloves.


Anyway, waking up and staring your day at 04:00 was a whole different experience. It felt pretty good to get going that early in the morning. There were almost no cars on the road and the hills were covered in thick fog.

The way there went pretty fast as we talked and didn’t pay attention to the time. I said goodbye to David in front of his work and got on the road back home. I was hoping for some sun that would peak out of the clouds to warm up my cold hands. It didn’t happen, but as it got later in the morning the temperatures went up. I was following river Bečva most oft the way back. It didn’t take long and I was home right around 09:30, I think.


Final toughts. Commuting to work by a bike opens up a whole different experience, as I wrote before. It gets you going, you see the route in a different way. Not from a car on the highway, or from a train window. Getting up early made my day quite long, which was also nice. It made me way more productive and I got more things done in a day.


New ways of shooting


Unemployed perk