Mist and unexpected cold.

Every week during the winter I try to go out on bike. At first it was very hard, because riding in dark is scary and dangerous. You shouldn't do something like this just by yourself–my girlfriend and mom told me.

So, I tried to find a friend to ride at dark with me. It took a couple of years but now I have two. Pavel & David.

You never know what to expect on these rides. Wether it’s going to be cold, is there going to be snow, ice? Is it going to be safe ride through this section at night? There too many question marks that I won’t try to get them all. This just illustrates that risks are high but fun and enjoyment are on another level too.

This ride was one of those where you can't rely on any weather app but only on what’s actually falling from the sky at the given moment.

4°C turned into -3°C, mist disappeared and then came back with a lot of moisture. Snow and icy at some parts of the route.

But, I think I enjoyed it the most out of this winter’s rides and also I like the pictures I took the most so far. So here you have the opposites that attract not just in love, in biking as well.


Saddle Tramp


GR #1