Sunset? Yes, please.
The days of early sunsets are here. Autumn is around the corner—actually, it's at the corner. When everything falls into place, the evening is fabulous: the temperature, the sun, the position of the clouds, and most importantly, the timing. You're going to have a great sunset.

I’m calling this ride “I’m amazed that we’re still able to find new places to ride. Even if it’s just a short piece of track, it’s still worth it,” because that’s exactly what happened.

between two rain clouds
You will experience the best gravel roads I could find during my rides.

jako Toskánsko

Jet vlakem z Olomouce a poté se vracet zpět je jedním ze způsobů, jak objevit nová místa a zároveň si ušetřit část cesty, kterou už možná znáte. Vlakem se dá dojet poměrně daleko za krátkou dobu, takže možností je mnoho.
My jsme tentokrát zvolili Vsetín a kopce Hostýnsko-vsetínské hornatiny.

Jiným směrem
Jezdit stejným směrem furt dokola může být někdy pořádná otrava. Obzvlášť když ti tvá heat map na Stravě doslova hoří v tom tvém oblíbeném směru.

balzám na dušu
A dump of photos taken during two days spent with mom and Romka in the Jeseníky Mountains.

So, here's how the story starts: I've got a buddy named Filip. Filip is one of those people who always seems to attract interesting and unusual things. I’m not exactly sure how he does it, but thanks to him, I got the chance to try something really unique – this silver bike.

fast & easy
Fast and easy gravel loop that can be done in the afternoon or after work. Coffee possible in Šternberk.

guláš, i s cibulí
gravel zones

compilation no. 1

piece by piece


O—P—O, V2

Hanácké ʌnˈbaʊnd

Jeroboam 300/2024
